Saturday, September 23, 2017

3 Miniatures in October at MIIT House: 10/1, 8 & 22

3 Miniatures in October at MIIT House

Sundays, October 1st, 8th & 22nd, 2017
Open: 5:30PM
Play: 6-8PM
¥1000 entrance

at MIIT House
2-6-13 Shikanjima, Konohana-ku, Osaka-shi 554-0014

大阪・此花 MIIT Houseでの
第61, 62 & 63回目のサウンド・パフォーマンス・イベント。

Sunday, October 1st, 2017--
Marcel Sparmann & Megumi Qingshui Shimizu (performance) Germany & Japan
Junko Ogawa (performance): Japan
Miharu Nakamura (dance): Japan
Jerry Gordon (sound): USA/Osaka

Sunday, October 8th, 2017--
Urban Dentist (sound): Sweden
Keiko Yamaguchi (dance): Japan
Jerry Gordon (sound): USA/Osaka

Sunday, October 22nd, 2017--
Void of Sound (sound): Norway
Masayuki Nii (sound): Japan
La Cosecha (sound): Mexico/Osaka
Jerry Gordon (sound): USA/Osaka

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